Riemann Hypothesis
Unified Field Theory
literature II
Who I am

S. Albeverio Chr. Cebulla Muentz Formula and Zero Free Regions for the Riemann Zeta Function.pdf

L. Baez Duarte A divergent Vasyunin correction.pdf

L. Baez-Duarte New version of the Nyman-Beurling criterion for the RH.pdf

L. Baez Duarte A strengthening Nyman criterion.pdf

B. Bagchi On Nyman, Beurling and Baez-Duarte s Hilbert space reformulation of the RH.pdf

M. Balazard E. Saias The Nyman-Beurling equivalent form for the RH.pdf

M. Balazard Oberwolfach and Nyman criterion.pdf

Berlowitz B., Extensions of Theorem of Hardy


Beurling A. A closure problem related to the Riemann Zeta-function

M. Boecher On Gibb's Phenomenon.pdf

R. Brent Asymptotic Expansion inspired by Ramanujan.pdf

D. Bump et al. A Local Riemann Hypothesis I

W.Burla et al Deficiency indices and singular boundary conditions in quantum mechanics.pdf

J.F. Burnol Scattering, determinants, hyperfunctions in relation to Gamma(1-s)Gamma(s).pdf

D.A. Cardon S.A. De Gaston An equivalence for the Riemann Hypothesis in terms oforthogonal polynomials.pdf


Dahlke S., Weinreich I., Wavelet Bases Adapted to Pseudodifferential Operators


Dahlke S., Maass P., The Affine Uncertainty Principle in One and Two Dimensions


Derezinski J., Richard S., On Radial Schroedinger Operators with a Coulomb Potential

Dixit A., Moll V. H., The integrals in Gradshteyn and Ryzhik. Part 28 The confluent hypergeometric function and Whittaker functions

Duffin Weinberger Dualization Poisson Summation Formula.pdf

Duffin R. J., Hilbert Transforms in Yukawan Potential Theory

Duffin R. J., Schaeffer A. C., A Class of Nonharmonic Fourier Series


Duffin R. J., Yukawan potential theory


E. Elizalde et al Spectral Zeta Functions for Spherical Aharonov-Bohm Quantum Bags.pdf


Farge M., Schneider K., Wavelet transforms and their applications to MHD and plasma turbulence, a review


Federbush P., Navier and Stokes meet the Wavelet


Friedrich H., Cauchy Problem for the Conformal Vacuum Field Equations in General Relativity

L. Garding The Mathematics of Wiener's Tauberian theorem.pdf

T. Ganelius Tauberian Theorems for the Stieltjes Transform.pdf

G. Gasper Using sums of squares to prove that certain entire functions have only real zeros.pdf


Geshwind Pseudodifferential Operators on SU(2).pdf


Glowinski R. et al., wavelet methods in computational fluid dynamics


Goedel K., An Example of a New Type of Cosmological Solutions of Einstein´s Field Equations of Gravitation


Gomes J., Vilbo L., From Fourier Analysis to Wavelets, Course Notes

A. Goldberg I. Ostrovskii Value Distribution of Meromorphic Functions.pdf

E.I. Gordon Fourier Transform in Nonstandard Analysis.pdf

Gradshteyn Ryzhik Just two formulas from their tables

J. Grommer Ganze transzendente Funktionen mit lauter reellen Nullstellen.pdf

D. Bieren de Haan, "Nouvelles tables d'integrales d'finies"


Hamburger Ueber Beziehungen die mit Funktionalgleichung aequivalent sind

H. Hamburger Ueber eine Erweiterung des Stieltjesschen Momentenproblems (Teil I).pdf

H. Hamburger Ueber eine Erweiterung des Stieltjesschen Momentenproblems (Teil II).pdf

E. Hellinger Zur Stieltjesschen Kettenbruchtheorie.pdf.pdf

T.H. Hildebrandt On integrals related to and extensions of the Lebesgue integrals.pdf

P. Humbert Bessel-integral functions.pdf

A. Hurwitz Ueber die Nullstellen der Bessel schen Function.pdf

Jessen B., Winter A., Distribution functions and the Riemann Zeta function

M. Johansson The Hilbert transform.pdf


Kirchhoff G., Ueber die Bewegung eines Rotationskörpers in einer Fluessigkeit


Kim, H., Origin of the Universe, A Hint from Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity

H.T.Koelink W.V.Assche Orthogonal Polynomials and Laurent Polynomials related to the Hahn-exton q-Bessel function.pdf

Landau E., Ueber die zahlentheoretische Function und ihre Beziehung zum Goldbachschen Satz


Lebedev N. N., Special Functions and their Applications

MacDonald A. D., Properties of the confluent hypergeometric function


Nag S., Sullivan D., Teichmüller theory and the universal period mapping via quantum calculus and the H(1-2) space on the circle


N. Nielsen Handbuch der Theorie der Gammafunktion.pdf

J.A. Nitsche FEM for Conformal Mappings.pdf


Nitsche J. A., lecture notes I, Approximation Theory in Hilbert Scales


Nitsche J. A., lecture notes II, Extensions and Generalizations


Nitsche J. A., 1988, Direct Proofs of Some Unusual Shift-Theorems


Nitsche J. A., Free boundary problems for Stokes´s flows and finite element methods


Oskolov K. I., Chakhiev M. A., On Riemann Nondifferentiable Function and Schroedinger Equation

B. Petersen Introduction to the FT and Pseudo-differential Operators distribution valued holomorphic functions I.pdf

B. Petersen Introduction to the FT and Pseudo-differential Operators distribution valued holomorphic functions II.pdf


Polya 's theorem


Polya G., Bemerkungen ueber die Integraldarstellung der Riemannschen Zeta-Funktion.pdf


Polya G., On the zeros of an integral function represented by Fourier integral.pdf


Polya G., On the zeros of certain trigonometric integrals.pdf


Polya G., Ueber Potenzreihen mit ganzzahligen Koeffizienten.pdf


Polya G., Ueber die algebraisch-funktionentheoretischen Untersuchungen von J. L. W. V. Jensen


Polya G., Wiener N., On the Oscillation of the Derivative of a Period Function


Polya Trigonometrische Integrale mit nur reellen Nullstellen


Polya Ueber das Vorzeichen des Restgliedes m Primzahlsatz


Polya Ueber die NS gewisser ganzer Funktionen


Polya Ueber eine neue Weise bestimmte Integrale in der Zahlentheorie zu gebrauchen


Polya G., Ueber einen Satz von Laguerre

A.D. Poularikas The Hilbert Transform.pdf

B. Riemann Ueber das Verschwinden der Thetafunktionen.pdf

Riemann B., Ueber die Darstellbarkeit einer Function durch eine trigonometrische Reihe

Schroedinger E.,What-is-Life


Sedletskii A. M., Asymptotics of the Zeros of Degenerate Hypergeometric Functions


Sedletskii A. M., On the Zeros of Laplace Transfroms

W. Schulz Ueber die Galoissche Gruppe der Hermiteschen Polynome.pdf

C.L. Siegel Beweis einer Formel fuer die Riemannsche Zetafuntktion.pdf

C.L. Siegel Algebraische Abhaengigkeit von Wurzeln.pdf

Siegel C. L., Transcendental Numbers, Princeton University Press, 1949

K. Stempak On Convergence and Divergence of Fourier Bessel Functions.pdf

Werner P., Self-Adjoint Extensions of the Lapalce Operator with Respect to Electric and Magnetic Boundary Conditions


Werner P., Spectral Properties of the Laplace Operator with respect to Electric and Magnetic Boundary Conditions

H. Weyl Singuläre Integralgleichungen.pdf

A. Wintner On Tauber´s Theorem.pdf