Unified Field Theory
Navier-Stokes Equations
Courant Conjecture
Riemann Hypothesis
Euler Constant
Who I am

                                       An Unified Field Theory



        The standard model of particle physics is not a well-defined theory

A particularly worrying symptom of the current state of affairs in physics is the so-called discovery of the Higgs boson at CERN. … But what was actually discovered were a number of unexplained signals obtained by extensive filtering methods, raising many questions for everyone who takes a sober perspective. …

Nevertheless, these signals are pushed to serve as evidence for the long-theorized Higgs boson supporting the „standard model“ of particle physics, although this standard model is not even a well-defined theory. Such an interpretation speaks more of desperation to valididate the past six decades of research and to shore up a model that is wobbling precariously under the weight of all the bits and pieces glued onto it to make it work“, (UnA) Prologue.

                   The "After-Big-Bang" story is extremely unlikely

After the biggest black hole ever out of nowhere during "The First Three Minutes", (S. Weinberg), ...

„in order to produce an universe resembling the one in which we live, the Creator would have to aim for an absurdly tiny volume of the phase space of possible universes – about1/(10 exp(10 exp (123))) – of the entire volume, for the situation under consideration", (PeR), p. 444, Fig. 7.19

(PeR) Penrose R., The Emperor’s New Mind, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1989

Braun, K., An unified field theory enabling a deductive structure of physics.pdf

The Dirac 2.0 quanta systems scheme of the UFT

(FeE): „Dirac‘s theory of radiation is based on a very simple idea; instead of considering an atom and the radiation field with which it interacts as two distinct systems, he treats them as a single system whose energy is the sum of three terms: one representing the energy of the atom, a second representating the electromagnetic energy of the radiation field, and a small term representing the coupling energy of the atom and the radiation field."

In the theory of quantum mechanics each considered (Dirac) system is an element of a related Hilbert space. This mathematical concept is also applied to the QFT, the QCD, and the QED. The prize to be paid for this "force specific" modelling approach are "three independent "theories" for „strong interactions, weak interactions, and electromagnetic …  which are linked because they seem to have similar characteristics", (R. Feynman, (GlJ) p. 433).

The proposed UFT provides a Dirac-2.0 quanta scheme enabled by appropriately defined quanta type specific inner products, related norms and corresponding self-adjoint dynamical-potential operators as part of a corresponding Hilbert space; this Hilbert space contains all polynominal degree Hilbert scales, which are defined by the eigenpairs of self-adjoint (classical) mechanical-potential operators.

Dirac’s new basis for cosmology (DiP2)

(UnA2) p. 73: "Dirac’s first conjecture: In the hydrogen atom, nature’s simplest stable structure, the constituent proton and electron are held together by electric force. Yet their gravitational attraction, however small it may be, can also be calculated theoretically. Dirac noticed that the ratio of the two forces ... was an incredibly huge number (about 10 exp(39)) with almost 40 digits."

(UnA2) p. 74: "Dirac has discovered a second conjecture, connected to the first conjecture, which make a random coincidence extremely unlikely. After the first estimates of the total mass M(U) of the universe in the 1930s, Dirac divided M(U) by the mass of the proton m(p), thus arriving at the ball-park figure of the number of particles in the universe, 10 exp(78), the square of that other mysterious, but lent substance to the first obeservation. For decades, Dirac’s second observation has defied all attemps at explanation. In particular, it seems to jeopardize all established cosmological models. For normally the number of particles should be proportional to the volume, i.e. the third power of the linear dimensions of the cosmos, not just to the second. All the more remarkable, however, is that Dirac’s cosmology ultimately follows from Einstein’s pivotal idea of a variable speed of light back in 1911, if one consequently applies Dicke’s formulation of 1957", (see also (UnA1).

Schrödinger’s hour of glory "potential is simply energy per mass(UnA1)

(UnA1) pp. 116, 118, UFT, pp. 146/147: „Dividing the visible mass of the universe (estimated 10 exp(53) kilogram) by the size R(U) of the universe (estimated 10 exp(26) meter) yields 10 exp(27) kilograms per meter, coinciding with the value derived from the ratio of the square of speed of light and the gravitational constant G. … There is a real gem of physical reasoning in a completely unknown article on cosmology published in 1925 by E. Schrödinger (ScE4).  … Whereas the relation above as such is only numerical, Schrödinger went a step further and realized that the concept of gravitational potential was concealed in this formula. Potential is simply energy per mass, for which Newton had derived an expression in his theory of gravitation with the distance r from the Sun (with mass M) in the denominator. … It looked plausible to him that the influence of the even more distant masses in the Milky Way had to be larger, even though it was impossible to perceive a force. .. With amazing intuition he suspected that all the potentials in the universe might just add up to the square of the speed of light. … In a way Schrödinger had thus anticipated the discovery of the size of the cosmos in the 1930s. He further insisted that Mach's principle had to be incorporated into the theory of relativity. In this respect, Schrödinger's intuition went beyond Einstein's.“

Mach's principle 2.0 (UnA1)

(UnA1) p. 156: „To round off the value of Dirac’s observation, however, one should mention that it is in complete harmony with Ernst Mach’s thoughts on gravity, though Dirac apparently never dealt with Mach. … The fact that Dirac considered the size and the mass of the universe, the two quantities that Mach also related to the origin of gravity, constitutes another piece in this fascinating puzzle.

However, Dirac’s observation goes beyond Mach’s principle. Imagine that the number of particles in the universe was billion times larger, while simulataneous their mass was a billion times smaller. This would change nothing about Mach’s principle (or ‚flatness‘) but it would alter Dirac’s observation. In other words, Dirac was the first to insinuate that the size and the mass of elementary particles had a meaning, and that it is no coincidence that they are as large and heavy as they are. Who thought soothe same? You’ve guessed it – Albert Einstein:

The real laws of nature are much more restrictive than the ones we know. For instance would it not violate our known laws, if we found electrons of any size or iron of any specific weight. Nature however only realizes electrons of a particular size and iron of vry specific weight.“

A suggestion out of the Dirac conjectures (UnA)

(UnA) p. 225: "Dirac’s conjecture – that the number of particles in the universe (10 exp(80)) is related to its size (which is 10 exp(40)) proton radii- clashes with all established concepts …. It suggests that the quantum effects of gravity start at the size of an atomic nucleus and not at the far smaller, unobserved Planck’s length of 10 exp(-35) meters (that this is 20 powers of ten below the nucleus‘ radius is the result of Dirac’s hypothesis. (However, it doesn’t have any fundamental meaning.)"

Does a neutron feel the age of the universe? (UnA2)

(UnA2) p. 95: „From a philosophical point of view, the half-life of the neutron of about ten minutes is a basic quantity that calls for an explanation. … Claiming that the decay of the neutron can be deduced within the variable speed of light model would certainly be premature. In any case, however, the phenomenon of radioactivity will only be thorughly understood once th half-life of the neutron is calculated from first principles. …. However, if the mass ratio of  proton/electron does depend logarithmically on the age of the universe, then it follows that at the time of the „Big Flash“ the electron and proton were  of equal weight.  … The hydrogen atom would then be similar to an object now called positronium, consisting of an electron and its antiparticle positron that orbit each other. …. This would imply that the orbital speed of the electron in the hydrogen atom was equal to the speed of light…. This, in turn, suggests that the hydrogen atom – at that time an orbiting electron-positron pair – could simply be seen as a rotating light wave.

Dirac, Unzicker and the UFT

Anticipating that gravity start at the size of an atomic nucleus puts the spot on the Big Bang story (creatio ex nihilo), which is basically the physical (!) "explanation" of the observed Cosmological Background Radiation (CMBR). Anticipating that nearly all of the universe is vacuum, and that nearly most of the space within the atoms is also vacuum, a physical (!) "creatio ex vacuum" concept sounds more reasonable than a (physical) "creatio ex nihilo" concept.

The assumption that the observed quantum effects of gravity start at the size of an atomic nucleus (governed by mechanical energy accompanied by the concept of physical time) is in line with the (one-component concept of the) proposed UFT.

The hydrogen atom, nature’s simplest stable structure, shows three states, the molecular, the semi-metallic, and the metallic states; the concept of a positronium, (UnA2) p. 95, is in line with the Dirac 2.0 quanta systems scheme; it also supports the concept of "a fluid sun, the coming revolution in astrophysics", (UnA4).

Expressed colloqially, the one-component quanta scheme of the proposed UFT (governed by the mechanical energy type) may be interpretated as condensed dynamical energy accompanied by a related emerging potential difference to the affected underlying two-component quanta systems (creatio ex vacuum). The corresponding potential equalization (interitus in vacuum) is governed by the "least (mechanical) action principle" of Nature accompanied by the concept of "physical time".

Related Millennium Problems from the Clay Mathematics Institute

The proposed UFT solves two of those problems:

- the Yang-Mills & Mass Gap problem by making the Yang-Mills equations obsolete

- the Navier-Stokes Equation problem enabled by convergent mechanical & dynamical H(1/2) based energy norm estimates.

                                              Supporting data

Braun, K., A Krein space based quanta energy field model, supporting mathematics

Braun, K., Current physical and mathematical realities regarding an unified field theory


Braun K., UFT related list of papers